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${ contributor.short_bio }

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Navigating pregnancy at work can be scary and overwhelming. We tackle the toughest topics: talking to your boss, discrimination, benefits, and telling your coworker not to touch your belly. (Seriously.)

Workplace Rights

21 Tweets That Illustrate the Reality of Pregnancy Discrimination

Proof that you’re not imagining things


8 Ways to Make Child Care More Affordable

Congratulations on your new baby, by the way!


Can Freezing Your Eggs Really Help Your Career?

The answer is up for debate


Work-Friendly Maternity Clothes: Where to Find Them, Fast

A guide to pregnancy attire for working women who suddenly, desperately need it


How Ovia Health Helps Women and Companies Navigate Parenthood

Fertility, pregnancy, and parenthood—they're all tracked through Ovia's apps


All Your FMLA & Maternity Leave Questions Answered

Everything you need to know about taking maternity leave in the United States

Culture & Professionalism

25 Best Jobs for Moms, As Rated by Working Moms (2022)

These roles bring flexibility and job satisfaction


Job Hunting While Pregnant: Tips & Advice for Expecting Mothers

Channel your inner Beyonce, power suit and all


How to Talk (or Not Talk) About Miscarriage in the Office

Take a deep breath. This is a tough one

Workplace Rights

This is What Pregnancy Discrimination Looks Like

InHerSight asked moms to share ways they've experienced discrimination at work. This is what they said


A Step-By-Step Guide to Your First Day Back After Maternity Leave

Advice from one working mom to another


Guide to Paternity Leave: Your Rights, How to Ask & The Future of Leave

Dads are more engaged than ever, but paternity leave policies are slow to change


How to Deal with Morning Sickness at Work

Tips to keep your nausea at bay, according to a doctor


For New Moms, To Quit or Not to Quit is in Question

Finding a balance as a working moms is hard. So hard that sometimes if feels like you don’t have options, but you do


This CEO Told Her Future Boss She Wanted to Start a Family

Why transparency worked for Lindsey Cambardella, and why it doesn’t in so many other workplaces

Paid Time Off

All You Need To Know About Taking a Leave of Absence

Need to take some time off work but not sure if you can or how to ask? We’ve got you covered.


CEO of Winnie: How I Pumped At Work

The first time was a bust, but Sara Mauskopf made it work when she had her second child


For Some, Delaying Motherhood is a Savvy Career Choice

Late motherhood has a positive impact on quality of life, but the decision of when to become a mother still rests with you


10 Gift Ideas for Working Moms

Sure, that Mother's Day card with a bicycle on it seems appropriate enough, but have you thought about, maybe, child care??

Culture & Professionalism

This 175-Year-Old Company Is Anything but Old-Fashioned

Brunswick Corporation strives to create an environment that encourages innovation and helps employees achieve their full potential